CENG Receives $1,000 Community Impact Grant from AI4ALL

Jan 9, 2017

The Computer Engineers of the Next Generation Club is a proud recipient of the inaugural AI4ALL community impact grant of $1,000. AI4ALL is a non-profit organization whose mission statement is "to increase diversity and inclusion in artificial intelligence and create pipelines for underrepresented talent through education and mentorship program".

The AI4ALL Community Impact grant is given to selected alumni of their SAILORS program, a summer outreach program at Stanford University that teaches about Artificial Intelligence (AI) to rising 10th grade girls. The purpose of the grant was to help alumni in promoting their own AI clubs and events.

CENG received the grant as well as the support of AI4ALL. The organization's project manager, Nicole Halmi, congratulated CENG for "offering a variety of (coding) courses" and "impacting traditionally underrepresented students". She will be connecting us to underrepresented computer engineers for our "Inspire" interviews that show how they overcome the obstacles in pursuing their passion in the Computer Science (CS) field. These videos will be presented in the Parent Showcase at the end of the seven-week coding sessions to inspire underrepresented students to major in CS.

This partnership is important for CENG in reaching out to more underrepresented students and cover the operating costs of running the classes. CENG will use this grant in its 2018 classes at Monta Loma and Santa Rita Elementary. They have been teaching Scratch, JavaScript and Python in the schools and will expand their class offering to app development in the Fall.

For more information of the programs offered, please check out cengclass.org and ai-4-all.org.